Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Discovery Of The Polio Vaccine - 1963 Words

Ashley Anderson Professor Giunta CHS 113-01 23 April 2017 In this term paper the discovery of the Polio vaccine will be discussed and broken down into deeper thought on why and how it was discovered. Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease that reached epidemic levels in the mid twentieth century. People that were unfortunate to receive this disease faced hardships including fevers, sore throat and vomiting(Allaby). These are just symptoms but Polio can be a vicious disease leaving their patients paralyzed. The majority of people who are diagnosed with Polio don’t get paralyzed right away or die suddenly. The symptoms are very similar to any other sickness and people who are newly diagnosed do not†¦show more content†¦These other scientists include Thomas Francis, Jr. who Salk worked with for a year in microbiology and resulting in Francis isolating two types of influenza virus(Allaby). Microbiologist John Enders,virologists Frederick Robbins and Thomas Weller all influenced Salk to find the breakthrough he so desperately needed. Both virologists grown viruses in tissue taken from a living organism using penicillin to keep the object free from infection(Allaby). This was a breakthrough for Salk because he copied their procedure and used viruses from the spinal cords of polio patients and grew them in another object to test on(Allaby). Jonas Silk has always been involved with medical science throughout his entire life. He attends and graduates in surgery from the City College of New York. In 1938 when Salk works with Thomas Francis he was introduced to finding the influenza vaccine(Allaby). This is the event that made Salk interested in finding out more about viruses and urges him to want to find a vaccine for a disease. Salk ended up working on a influenza vaccine at the Virus Research Unit of the University of Michigan School of Public Health(Allaby). From working on the influenza vaccine Salk had the opportunity to become the head of the virus research laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh i n 1947(Allaby). This is where and when Salk decides to begin his work on the polio vaccine. The testing Salk produced with the Polio virus in the spinal cords, they revealed that thereShow MoreRelatedThe Discovery Of Polio Vaccine Essay2213 Words   |  9 Pagespoliomyelitis, otherwise known as polio. However, a breakthrough was reached when Jonas Salk managed to developed the first vaccine, which he brought to the public in 1955 after testing the drug on himself, family, and others. Salk developed a killed-virus vaccine through tissue-culture methods discovered by the scientist John Enders. Unfortunately, Salk’s vaccine was not the cure that the scientific community, and the world, had hoped for, as the results of the vaccine took a critical turn for the worseRead MoreThe Polio Vaccine Essay1082 Words   |  5 PagesThe Polio Vaccine The discovery of the polio vaccine was an important medical and scientific breakthrough because it saved many lives since the 1950s. In the summer of 1916 the great polio epidemic struck the United states. By the 1950s hundreds of thousands of people had been struck by the poliomyelitis. The highest number of cases occurred in 1953 with over 50,000 people infected with the virus. When hygienic conditions were poor polio attacked infants. The disease was spread by contaminatedRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Polio During The Egyptian Era1586 Words   |  7 Pageswithout warning. It wasn’t until research skills and technology accessibility improved that scientists were able to grasp the idea that it was all caused by the Poliomyelitis virus. Polio began ravaging through the world in the twentieth century, crippling children, and, even after the discovery of numerous vaccines, is still relentless enough that it infects children today. Poliomyelitis, also called â€Å"infantile paralysis† (Swanson 1), is a virus that has been around for over 3,000 years, but hadRead MoreThe Use Of Animals And Animal Consumption1691 Words   |  7 Pagesmore advancements have been made in medical research than in any prior era. Diseases such as polio, tuberculosis, malaria, and smallpox can now be either prevented or treated due to pharmaceutical research that involved the use of animals. The use of animals in scientific research is important because the use of animals has allowed there to be many advancements in the medical field, such as discovering vaccines for deadly diseases, and has allowed for the regulation of chemicals that may be harmful forRead MoreThe Polio Vaccine Through The Eyes Of Its Creator1218 Words   |  5 Pagescreation of the polio vaccine through the eyes of its creator. Salk also describes his childhood and the events that lead up to his medical breakthrough. Latour, Bruno , Steve Woolgar, and Jonas Salk. Introduction. Laboratory Life. 1986.Reprint. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. 11. Print. It showed the way that Jonas Salk studied polio and how he came to the conclusion that the vaccine was correct. He also taught that it is a life taking job and that polio vaccine was a difficultRead MoreVaccines Prevent The Human Race1697 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Vaccines prevent an estimated 2.5 million deaths among children younger than age 5 every year, [however;] 1 child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine† (Global Health Security: Immunization). Providing immunity to human, vaccines have saved countless lives through one simple injecting and have eradicated many diseases that used be common among people. Vaccines is the solution and allow us to be able to combat diseases that have overwhelmed humans for centuriesRead MorePolio And Its Effects On Children1387 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å" I got it [polio] when I was a little girl. My parents watch as I slowed down and my hand stopped working. We couldn’t afford the sur gery to fix it, but I finally better. But my hand is a constant remember, but I refuse to let it stop me.†(6) Poliomyelitis, deriving from Greek meaning grey and marrow. Which more than likely refers to the spinal cord, along with the suffix –itis or inflammation.(4) For a time, Poliomyelitis was once was called infantile paralysis because of its primary effects onRead MoreVaccines And The Diseases Of Vaccines1542 Words   |  7 PagesVaccines and the diseases they are used for have been an incredible scientific feat that has changed the way we live drastically. Before vaccines, people were dying rapidly from many diseases that are now either eradicated or controlled. Vaccines have saved millions of lives and are continuing to do so today. People no longer live in fear of catching a disease from other people due to vaccinations and what they do to the body. Diseases come in all shapes and sizes, and science has been able to successfullyRead MoreVaccines And Its Effect s On Children1339 Words   |  6 PagesNowadays, there are many vaccines invented by different scientists. Vaccines are so much in demand that even a simple flu has a certain vaccine. They have been invented to protect us. Its main function is to build our immune system and allow it to work against different kinds of bacteria. However instead of helping us fight against infection and certain diseases, vaccines can be the main cause of infection and diseases. Because of its live-attenuated organism, which means the pathogens were partiallyRead MoreWhat Is Poliomyelitis?1564 Words   |  6 PagesWHAT IS POLIO? Poliomyelitis or polio, is highly contagious viral infection that can lead to abnormal conditions such as paralysis, breathing problems, or even lead to death. The poliomyelitis is from the word â€Å"grey†, myelos referencing to the â€Å"matter† of the spinal cord, -itis meaning inflammation. So it means the inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord. Poliomyelitis can be categorize as either asymptomatic or symptomatic. About

Friday, December 20, 2019

Internet has done more harm than good - 600 Words

Internet has done more harm than good. The Internet is undoubtedly the most crucial technology of the modern world. It increases technology advancement and improve communication and transportation. The Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication services, consisting of organized networks using standard communication rules. While people think of the Internet as a good source of getting knowledge, there are many disadvantages associated to it. One of the main harmful effects of the Internet is its abusive uses. Internet promotes the identity theft and destroys valuable documents of public information through spam messages and viruses. Every year due to the Internet†¦show more content†¦Ehmke, (2013). For instance, a school boy who has obesity and his friends tease him for his obesity in the social networking sites and along other people are also tease him and he fell very embarrassing and insulted. Proponents argue that the Internet is an abundant source of information and entertainment which offers worldwide information in the following areas such as marketing law, education and movies. However, some of the information given on the Internet could be wrong. For example, Internet gives information of all the fields but the information is not verified and it could be incorrect and misleading those who get ideas for professional studies from Internet. There is also the argument that the Internet has become an indispensable tool of communication which has helped to bring the world closer through social networking websites such as Skype, Facebook, Twitter and other medium. On the contrary, these social networking sites have some negative effects. For example, most of pedestrian use mobile phone and social media at traffic lights. This may lead to some potential accidents that can cause serious injuries to pedestrians as well as people in moving vehicles. Pallack, (2013) A truck driver was using his cell phone to look at photos of women on Facebook when he crashed into three police cars and two fire trucks on Interstate 8, killing a DPS officer, records obtained by the Star show. Trucker on Facebook at time of deadly crash,Show MoreRelatedInternet Has Done More Harm Than Good in the Society.888 Words   |  4 Pagesadvent of the Internet it is very easily accessible by anyone like never before, and this is a dangerous president. Thi s is dangerous as vulnerable people could easily be taken in and exploited if the discovered this material. It is quite often found that ‘lone-wolf’ terrorists, for example, have gotten their information and inspiration from the Internet. The Internet has caused more problems than it has done good, because it has made people lazy, among other reasons. The Internet has made peopleRead MoreInternet Does More Harm Than Good (Oppositon Debate)1514 Words   |  7 PagesInternet Has Done More Harm Than Good . 1st Speaker Opposition Thank you Madam speaker . Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to Madam speaker of the House, the respected panel of adjudicators, the ever-precise timekeeper, my worthy opponents, ladies and gentlemen members of the Parliament . As the Opposition Leader, it would be my duty to refute the motion for today Internet Has Done More Harm than Good . We believe that Internet Has Done More Good than Harm . The government team, ladies andRead MoreTaking a Look at Software Security1161 Words   |  5 PagesSecurity The software security is very important issue among all the software. All the software’s must have the good security in order to prevent it from the different attacks from the internet like the viruses and many other attacks online which can harm the computer sufficiently. The main purpose of the security of all the software’s is to avoid the malicious attack of the other things. The main thing is the function of the softwareRead MoreCyber Bullying is a Big No No 717 Words   |  3 Pagesstrangers from your area or around the world and form friendships worldwide. It all well and good but sometimes the world of the internet hits you back in the face. In the world of the internet, there are people who will say anything to upset youths to the point of the victims hurting or killing themselves. Mostly on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are playing grounds for cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been a growing problem over the year in Central Florida especially in high schools andRead MoreAre Computers Changing the Way Humans Think?988 Words   |  4 Pages There has always been controversy as to whether computers hurt the way people think. Computers have hurt society more than it has helped. Although computers have benefits such as helping you for school work in making quicker decisions for you, and it makes it easier to do essays by using word; it has also hurt society because it makes us become lazier, makes online dating dangerous, and makes people addicted to the Internet. One benefit of computers is that they help students with school workRead MoreThe Reasons For And Against Making Pornography Illegal1560 Words   |  7 PagesGore Vidal. There are many reasons for or against the ban on pornography, some argue that porn is addictive, creates unrealistic expectations of sex and additionally may lead to a more demoralizing or violent nature towards woman. On the contrary, in regards to the previously sated quote, Gore argues that no actual harm can come from pornography and therefore there is no rightful reason for it to be illegal; Nadine Storssen argues that there is no sound evidence on whether or not pornography leadsRead MoreComparison Between Book And Internet956 Words   |  4 PagesCOMPARE / CONTRAST ESSAY BOOK AND INTERNET Modernization has taken the world. Even in the field of education, it has taken a huge and drastic change. Few years ago we just used books but today we use both the book and the internet. As a student, I have to do researches for my papers and for this process I use books as well as the internet. This essay aims to show the similarities and differences between both of these subjects as all of the people today use both of them. Read MoreThe Negative Effects Of The Internet911 Words   |  4 PagesThe world wide web otherwise called the internet came about in the 1960s and was primary used for researchers and academia. But since the 1990s, the internet has had that revolutionary effect on the culture and commerce in our society. This includes communication by email, instant messaging, internet phone calls. In addition, there is also the world wide web with discussion forums, social networking sites, and online shopping sites which several amount of people, despite their generation have utilizedRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1035 Words   |  5 PagesOver the past Century, terrorism has advanced from random killings to enormous plans for terrorist groups. To understand terrorism you must first define it. Terrorism as we all know it is hard to define and understand, and has many different definitions as it is used widely. The word terrorism stems from the word terror, which means to in still fear in. People become terrorists when they take the actions towards instilling fear and terror upon people to prove a certain point or agenda. Some terroristsRead MoreThe Dark Web : The Deep Web Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesThe Dark web, sometimes considered the deep web, has been a controversial topic that has attracted many different points of view regarding its usage. The dark web essentially creates a difficult to track, anonymous internet browsing session by using proxies and other methods. The dark web allows information and data to be gathered and utilized without the user having knowledge as to where the data had come from. Using a proxy makes the user s IP address constantly change so that they cannot be

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Hollow Men free essay sample

Eliot uses the word â€Å"kingdom† throughout the poem. The â€Å"eyes† in his poem either refer to the eyes of the saints, or perhaps the eyes of God. It says how the â€Å"eyes† no longer can watch in the valley of shadows on the helpless men. Maybe God no longer wants to watch them because they have given up on Him. Another device in the poem is Eliots diction. He uses vernacular so that the every day, or average, man can understand but does not use slang that would lower the poem. The poems tone is one of sadness but not pity. There is a fine line between shouting his problems and someone seeking pity. Eliot clearly does not cross that line of difference. The hollow men want to be remembered not as lost souls but as exactly what they are, men who are hollow because of their own choices. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hollow Men or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Eliot consistently uses paradox and irony throughout the poem to help give meaning to his theme. The very words â€Å"hollow man† are somewhat a paradox. A man cannot be literally hollow, but a man can be hollow if he lacks any true convictions, or any recognition of the ultimate truth of life, which, according to this piece, is death. Many lives can be summarized by the lines Between the idea/And the reality/Between the motion/And the act/Falls the Shadow. These same lines describe the character Kurtz from Conrad’s The Heart of Darkness very well. Kurtz is the prime example of Eliot’s â€Å"hollow man†. He was so driven by selfish and wild dreams that it cost him his sanity, and eventually his life. He resembled such an evil trade company full of â€Å"hollow men† such as himself. Besides Marlow, they were all â€Å"hollow men†; men empty of faith, personality, moral strength, and even humanity. Marlow meets morally â€Å"hollow men† throughout the entire story. Even when Kurtz is insane, he still realizes the horror of what he and humanity is capable of. That may explain his dying words, â€Å"The horror, the horror! †.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Benjamin Franklin His Life Essay Example For Students

Benjamin Franklin: His Life Essay By: Eric B DeponceauWhen one takes a look at the world in which he currently lives, he sees itas being normal since it is so slow in changing. When an historian looks atthe present, he sees the effects of many events and many profound people. Benjamin Franklin is one of these people. His participation in so manydifferent fields changed the world immensely. He was a noted politician aswell as respected scholar. He was an important inventor and scientist. Particularly interesting is his impact on the scientific world. Benjamin Franklin was a modest man who had had many jobs in his lifetime. This may help explain his large array of inventions and new methods ofworking various jobs. He did everything from making cabbage growing moreefficient to making political decisions to being the first person to studyand chart the Gulf Stream movement in the Atlantic Ocean. Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706. He was thefifteenth child in a family of seventeen kids. His parents, Josiah andAbiah Franklin, were hard working devout Puritan/Calvinist people. JosiahFranklin made candles for a living. Since the Franklins were so poor,little Benjamin couldnt afford to go to school for longer than two years. In those two years, however, Franklin learned to read which opened the doorto further education for him. Since he was only a fair writer and had verypoor mathematical skills, he worked to tutor himself at home. ( Franklin was a determined young man. As a boy, he taught himselfto be a very good writer. He also learned basic algebra and geometry,navigation, grammar, logic, and natural and physical science. He partiallymastered French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. He was soon to benamed the best-educated man in the country. When he was 12-years-old, hewas apprentice to his brother in printing. Benjamins brother founded thesecond newspaper in America. Many people told him that one newspaper wasenough for America and that the paper would soon collapse. On the contrary,it became very popular. Occasionally, young Benjamin would write an articleto be printed and slip it under the printing rooms door signed asAnonymous. The following is a direct quote from Franklins Autobiography. It describes his writing the articles as a boy. He (Benjamins older brother) had some ingenious men among his friends,who amused themselves by writing little pieces for this paper, which gainedit credit and made it more in demand, and these gentlemen often visited us. Hearing their conversations, and their accounts of the approbation theirpapers were received with, I was excited to try my hand among them; but,being still a boy, and suspecting that my brother would object to printinganything of mine in his paper if he knew it to be mine, I contrived todisguise my hand, and, writing an anonymous paper, I put it in at nightunder the door of the printing-house. It was found in the morning, andcommunicated to his writing friends when they called in as usual. They readit, commented on it in my hearing, and I had the exquisite pleasure offinding it met with their approbation, and that, in their different guessesat the author, none were named but men of some character among us forlearning and ingenuity. I suppose now that I was rather lucky in my judges,and that perhaps they were not really so very good ones as I then esteemedthem. ( liked the printers job but couldnt stand being told what to doall of the time. He desperately felt the need to be his own boss. That daywould come. .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e , .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .postImageUrl , .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e , .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e:hover , .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e:visited , .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e:active { border:0!important; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e:active , .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub83f0c0c27e6a22dd10fb79dfe70d99e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Rising Tiger: Korea EssayIn 1730, Franklin married Deborah Read, who was the daughter of the firstPhiladelphia landlady. Read was not nearly as well educated as her husband. In old letters that she had written to him, there are many misspellings andimproper punctuation marks. They were a very happy couple despite theirdifferences. They eventually had two boys and one girl. One of the boys,William, became governor of New Jersey. When Franklin was 21-years-old, he began his career as a civic leader byorganizing a club of aspiring tradesmen called the Junto, which met eachweek for discussion and planning. They hoped to build their own businesses,insure the growth of Philadelphia, and improve the quality of its life. Franklin led the University of Junto in founding a library in 1731, thefirst ever-American fire company in 1736, a learned society in 1743, acollege (the University of Pennsylvania) in 1749, and an insurance companyand a hospital in 1751. The group also worked to pave, clean, and light thestreets and to make them safe by organizing an effective night watch. Theyeven formed a voluntary militia. Franklins leadership skills helpedhimself and others throughout much of his life. In 1740, Franklin stumbled onto a new career: inventing. That year healtered his heating stove by arranging the flues so that the stove wouldheat the room twice as well while using only one-fourth the fuel. The stovewas first called the Pennsylvania fireplace but later named the Franklinstove out of respect for the inventor. The Franklin stove heated the homesand businesses all over Europe and North America. Around the time Franklin invented his stove, he began to read about newdiscoveries involving electricity. He started to experiment with it withhelp from his friends in Philadelphia. He claimed that experiments carriedout in France in 1752 showed that lightning was actually a form ofelectricity. Determined to further establish his belief that lightning waselectricity, he performed his famous kite experiment. He flew a kite with ametal needle attached to the tip on a very fine metal wire. He had a keyattached to the wire and hypothesized that the key would spark whileabsorbing the electricity. The experiment was a success. A direct effect of Franklins work with lightning as electricity was hisinvention of the lightning rod. The first lightning rod he made he attachedto the top of his own house. Soon after, it was hit by lightning, savinghis house from damage. He said of the lightning rod, An ounce ofprevention is worth a pound of cure. News spread about the invention byway of the Royal Societys publications. Soon, buildings as well as shipsall over the world were equipped with lightning rods. The invention madeFranklin world famous. He was elected to the Royal Society in 1756. It wasa rarity for a colonist to be elected to this London based elite society. In dealing with electricity, Franklin worked with great personal risk. Once, while attempting to kill a turkey with electricity, he accidentallyknocked himself unconscious. Of the event he said, I meant to kill aturkey, and instead, I nearly killed a goose.The Franklin stove and the lightning rod were by far not the only thingsFranklin invented. He had poor vision and needed glasses to read. He gottired of constantly taking them off and putting them back on, so he decidedto figure out a way to make his glasses let him see both near and far. Hehad two pairs of spectacles cut in half and put half of each lens in asingle frame. Today, we call them bifocals. Although Benjamin Franklin had invented many things in his lifetime, herefused to patent any one of them. His philosophy was that it is better tohelp everyone than it is to help ones self. His experiments and inventionswere meant only to be used for the convenience of other people, not to makehimself any money or fame. .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 , .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .postImageUrl , .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 , .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3:hover , .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3:visited , .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3:active { border:0!important; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3:active , .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3 .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1472a9c85e62a5356e36a383ef4f2aa3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Merrill Lynch in Japan Case Study EssayOther than inventing things to better peoples lives, Franklin created newtechniques to aid people in doing all sorts of things. In the early 1760s,Franklin took the title of Postmaster in Philadelphia. He decided to betterorganize the mail route. He invented a simple odometer and attached it tohis carriage. With it, he measured the route and calculated a moreefficient course by which to deliver the mail. This shortened the timerequired to get mail by days in some cases. Franklin also showed Americanshow to improve acidic soil by treating it with lime before planting. Thismade much more land cultivable. He discovered that when oil is p oured intorough seas, the water is calmed and more easily navigable. (Not that thatwould be a common practice today.) Franklin discovered that diseasesflourished in poorly vented places. This lead to sterile hospital roomshence better health care. Franklin had very logical opinions on everything he dealt with. DuringFranklins life, many people complained about daylight saving time. It wasan inconvenience for them to set their clocks back and ahead annually. Franklin liked the concept. He is quoted as saying, It is silly andwasteful that people should live much by candle-light and sleep bysunshine. In Paris while observing the first successful hot air balloonflight, Franklin observed many skeptic people asking, What good is it? Hereplied, What good is a newborn baby? He could see potential in all newthings. Benjamin Franklin was a mild-mannered widely loved jack-of-all-trades. His name and reputation will live on forever not only in history books butalso in the hundreds of inventions, discoveries, improvements, and methodshe had devised during his eighty-four year stay in the fields of politics,science, and humanity. What would the world be today had Benjamin Franklinnot lived?Referenceswww.incell.comCopyright 2001 2003 INCELL Corporation, LLC. 12000 Network Blvd. B-200San Antonio, TX 78249

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Strategic performance management The WritePass Journal

Strategic performance management Introduction: Strategic performance management Introduction:1.Putting performance targets to achieve Strategic objectives of Tesco:1.1 The link between team performance and strategic objectives of Tesco:1.2 Objectives of the organization:1.3 Requirements for Workforce to achieve objective of Tesco:1.4 Tools and techniques available to set team performance targets:1.5 Processes that deliver outcomes based on organizational goals and aims:1.6 Appropriate methods for evaluating performance:1.7 Review capacity and capability of current workforce:2. Agreeing team performance targets to meet strategic objectives:2.1 Performance targets required within teams against current performance:2.2 The skills, knowledge and experience required to undertake current organizational activities:2.3 Systems for collecting and assessing information on the overall performance:3. Motivating team performance to achieve organizational objectives:3.1 Context of delegation, mentoring and coaching to achieve organizational objectives:3.2 Monitor activities to improve team performance:3.3 Monitoring team performance:3.4 Evaluation of team performance against agreed objectives:4. Contribution of influence and persuasion to team dynamics:4.1 Methodologies to gain commitment to action:4.2 Impact of individual dynamic on securing commitment to action:5. Conclusion:ReferencesRelated Introduction: With the rapid changes occurring in the business world due to tough global competition, product proliferation, customer relations, the preferences and working of organizations has also changed and enhanced. However the success and permanence of organizations relies the way the organizations perform. This could be further explained as the way organizations carry out their strategies and achieve its objectives to be effective. For this purpose it is necessary that are noses are pointed in the same direction, means as every employee contributes to the organization through his/ her activities towards the attainment of objectives f the organization. However it is the responsibility of the manger to keep a proper tract about the performance of the employees through performance measurement as the performance and success of the organization heavily relies on the performance of its people. As Bititci., et al (1997) said: â€Å"The need for an integrated set of performance measures which supp orts rather than contradicts business objectives is clearly established†. Similarlyteams are the most important force within an organization to derive it, enhance the performance and achieve the strategic objectives f the organization. A team may be a functional team, project team or a team of managers; it is believed people get most done when they are working together in an effective way. However if the team or the members of the team are not working accurately or in an effective manner this may hinder the performance and productivity of the company. The current report aims at measuring the performance and strategic objectives of Tesco. 1.Putting performance targets to achieve Strategic objectives of Tesco: The most obvious strategic objectives of any organization are directed towards the maximizing and generating higher profits and returns for the owners, others are aimed at customers and society at large (Dess., et al 2005). However the setting of strategic objectives is a challenging task for an organization as the failure and success of the organizations depends a lot on the objectives the organization is setting. Strategic objectives are set for a longer time. Tesco is one of the famous and UK based supermarket. The company was founded way back in 1919 and its founder was Jack Cohen. The company is using mix tools for performance management. Tesco is using score card methodology which has been tailored and named as â€Å"Steering Wheel†. However the steering wheel is extension of Kaplan and Norton (1996) and contains the element of community at its heart (Talking Tesco, 2009). However the company has developed the steering wheel on the basis of cooperate strategy and is empl oyed by the executives of the company to achieve the core objective of the company. The wheel comprises of four different dimensions and each dimension underpins its own set of objectives. However Tesco measure its objectives by different coding colors such as green, amber and red. The green color depicts that the objectives of the company by its employees are met, amber depicts the tasks that needs attention and red color depicts failure of the task or objective by the employees. For instance it could be explained as the target set for waste in one of the store was set at 5% of the revenue generated by the store, however if the percentage is below 4 it is depicted as green color on the steering wheel, and above 5 percent the wheel shows red color.  Ã‚   However this does not have a visionary purpose. Witcher., et al (2008) argued to this and said the purpose of Tesco in doing so is not to achieve a new position but it aims at measuring the values which are in line with the purpos e or objectives of the company. However the main aim of having steering wheel is enable and relate the personal objective of the employees with the values of the business in order to provide the staff to stabilize the vales efficiently in managing the daily work. The wheel consists of the four Kaplan and Norton perspectives with an addition of community perspective added in 2006 (Tesco, 2008). The wheel helps Tesco to achieve all its objectives by the way of performance targets. Source: Tesco .com 1.1 The link between team performance and strategic objectives of Tesco: The colors on the steering wheels reveals the performance of the any of the store of Tesco, however if the wheel shows green color it means the team performance is in accordance to the objectives of the company and more the company is successful in attaining the objectives set by it through the performance of its employees in form of teams on the contrary the red color on the wheel reveals the team has failed to perform in order to achieve the objectives of the company. The more green the wheel will be the more objectives set by the company will be achieved. However this principle is employed at strategic level of the company (Tesco, 2009). 1.2 Objectives of the organization: The strategic objectives of the company are: As being one of the leading retail store in Britain, consisting of 519 stores in England, Scotland and Wales. However there are 105 stores in France and 44 in Hungary. As being a global operator Tesco aims at providing best value of product for the money they pay at competitive price. Tesco aims to meet the needs of its customers by taking into account the demands and preferences of its customer and moreover by considering the views of customers regarding any innovative product and more over enhances the quality of the product by keeping the choices and changing preferences of the customers. Tesco aims at improving its services and store facilities in order to provide the shareholders with better returns by maximizing the profits of the company. Tesco aims at employing latest technology develop the skills of its employees by the way of implement sound management strategies and by the way of training and development program. Moreover Tesco aims at providing its employees with equal opportunities and provide them with rewards in order to build long term relationship. Furthermore Tesco   aims at adhering to strict price and quality of products standard   in order to participate and formulate national food industry policies on the issues of nutrition, health, hygiene and this also includes the safety of animals, supporting well being and protecting the environment (Tesco, 2010). 1.3 Requirements for Workforce to achieve objective of Tesco: In order to meet the objectives of the company, Tesco employs classical hierarchical management for their stores however keeping in mind the size of the store the hierarchy is dived into six segments such as: Front end (check outs), Produce and fresh, Merchandising, Stock control, Administration, Personnel Ambient Each section consist of operational staff who is under the supervision of team leader, who has to report to the sectional manager , and the sectional manager is entitled to report to store manger. This store manager has to provide a detailed report to area manger. However the employees are trained to enhance their skills as the company is undertaking new markets such as finance and property and for this the need for capability and expertise is increasing. 1.4 Tools and techniques available to set team performance targets: The team performance targets are achieved by the website of Tesco or by the Witcher., et al (2008). However the performance of operational staff on the wheel’s objectives is measured quarterly and a summary report is presented to 2000 managers to cascade the staff. As the steering wheel is customer based and undertakes performance based approach and moreover it allows to measure performance on daily basis that is used for long term strategic objectives. However the performance targets of employees are reviewed at a regular basis. It is imperative to make sure the objectives remain suitable and vigorous measures of performance I the company. However the purpose, vision and the steering wheel go hand in hand and complement each other in managing the corporate performance. This requires the understanding of Tesco ‘purpose’ statement when employing ‘Steering Wheel’. Tesco’s core objective is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loya lty. 1.5 Processes that deliver outcomes based on organizational goals and aims: The company has employed balanced score card methodology to measure the operations as the card has been modified as per the needs of the department   and the performances are measured during team meetings and the waste is argued at strategic level. 1.6 Appropriate methods for evaluating performance: The methods adopted by Tesco to evaluate the performance of the staff includes a PDP personal development planning folder , as it contains the detail of performance appraisals, needs of any training, training that is given, and the departmental performance data. However the colors of the steering wheel helps measure the performance of all the departments. 1.7 Review capacity and capability of current workforce: Using the current work force Tesco has become the largest retailer and employer in UK private sector. Despite the tough construction laws imposed, Tesco is still expanding by leaps and bounds. The UK market has enough labor to cater for the recruitment at UK level. However, for  international operations, the capability to recruit from UK diminishes; the recruitment is carried out at local countries. With the current workforce of 280,000 people in UK alone Tesco is more than capable to sustain itself against any future expansion plans. 2. Agreeing team performance targets to meet strategic objectives: This section highlights the team performance targets in order to meet the strategic gains at store level. 2.1 Performance targets required within teams against current performance: In order to measure the current performance of the team against performance targets Tesco has employed an internal communication channel called team 5 which the staff has to sign once in a week which undertakes whether the performance target has been achieved or not. Moreover the local stores are required to engage in community and find out about shopping references. The staff is required to be polite, helpful and cordial to the customers. Each store has set seasonal, weekly and occasional targets which are compared with the year on year targets. 2.2 The skills, knowledge and experience required to undertake current organizational activities: At operational level not much high skills are required but going above the hierarchy of management the enhanced skills are required. For instance the sectional  Ã‚   managers need to have the abilities of management, project orientation and awareness of financial matters. The PDP folder helps to access the training needs for the staff, due to rapid technological changes Tesco has invested in training of XML, Macros and other systems such as self help check outs monitoring and online reporting. This allows the staff to mange their own profile online. However this requires efficient communication among the staff and proper training. 2.3 Systems for collecting and assessing information on the overall performance: Tesco utilizes digital ways to collect and assess information. However it has engaged with the community by the way of leaflets, and surveys but it engages through CSR (corporate social responsibly) at strategic level. Tesco needs to invest in greener and fair products. The data stored at front end allows analyze and compare sales for the overall performance. Moreover the loyalty club cards enable Tesco to understand the buying and shopping patterns of the customers and to allocate new target markets. 3. Motivating team performance to achieve organizational objectives: In order to achieve the objectives of the company Tesco employs motivational techniques such as rewards, employee of the month, appreciation and encouragement to motivate its employees and get the best out of their performance. 3.1 Context of delegation, mentoring and coaching to achieve organizational objectives: At Tesco mentoring is provided to the employees during the graduate training program and moreover a mentor is provided for a year. Moreover coaching is provided to the operational staff during the training. At grass root level delegation is not much involved but operational teams do the job which they are required to perform with few job rotations. 3.2 Monitor activities to improve team performance: In order to improve the team performance of the staff f Tesco needs to adopt a top to bottom approach as communication is very vital for implementing the strategy in any organization. Moreover if the top management does not have communication with the lower staff it gets difficult to assess and monitor strategic objectives and processes going on in the company (Mabey 2002). For this Tesco needs to develop various channels to have a smooth flow of communication to transfer information and to have a better check on the performance of the employees. The higher management needs to keep a healthy relation with the employees to assess them accurately against PDP folder. Moreover identification of the work objectives, key dates and support materials should be provided by the management and also at their daily and weekly staff meetings so that staff can measure their contribution to the steering wheel. Moreover the steering wheel should be monitored strictly against the performance of the em ployees as it enables the company to strengthen its objectives and attain competitive advantage through workforce efficient performance (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). 3.3 Monitoring team performance: On the basis of balance score card methodology Witcher., et al   (2008) proposed an strategic model for the company. However it incorporates the regular strategic controls of the company and enables it to monitor them as follows: Source: Witcher et al, 2008 3.4 Evaluation of team performance against agreed objectives: At Tesco the team performance is evaluated by the way of feedbacks, team briefings and by implementing Deming’s PDC approach. However the areas which are improving are shown by color code that is communicated by team 5 exercise among the staff (Deming, 1986). 4. Contribution of influence and persuasion to team dynamics: With evolution of different management theories, the modern business uses a mix of these theories in order to get the maximum benefit. However for the purpose of employee motivation extrinsic or monetary rewards has been a great motivational factor to enhance the performance of the employees. These motivational factors re discussed in this section (Tesco 2010). . 4.1 Methodologies to gain commitment to action: At Tesco the top management is employing   a combination of Taylorism and Maslow theory of need as it enables to enrich the job satisfaction of the employees by involving the staff in the process of decision making and allowing the staff to become a part of the organization. Further the company also provides extrinsic rewards in the shape of bonuses, pay increments in order to motivate the employees. However it has been proven techniques of gaining highly motivated staff with high commitments to the organization. However there are   more than 260,000 employees working in Tesco and in order to motivate them and encourage they are asked to participate in staff question time sessions which provides the upper management an insight of the valuable opinions of the staff about the working conditions going on in the stores (Talking Tesco, 2009). Moreover this exercise is focused at just not taking feed back of the employees but also asks to provide useful suggestions from employees in or der to enhance the services of the company and quality of the products delivered. Some of the other ways of building healthy relationships among staff members is by communicating through channels exercised between Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) and Tesco.   This partnership is of great importance for both the companies as it provides the biggest trade union agreement which observes the biggest staff forums in private sector. The meeting in held three times a year and exchanges important feed backs from both the sides. Moreover the training and development held during the meeting provides the staff to enrich their skills and experience by working with Usdaw. According to Tesco’s website (2009) the company made an investment of   over 2,000 new management and 4,500 team Leader roles to continue to provide their ‘Every Little Helps’ to their customers. Moreover the company tends to motivate its employees through profit sharing and ownersh ip sharing through subsidized share schemes for employees such as ‘Save as You Earn’ and ‘Buy as You Earn’. In addition to the above Tesco pays double amount to employees for their contribution which enable the company to retain and regard highly performing and loyal employees. 4.2 Impact of individual dynamic on securing commitment to action: The impact of ex-chief executive on the maintaining and securing the commitment of its staff is magnificent. For any strategic action has to be channeled through effective top level management. The Tesco’s former boss earned the industry along with the respect of its employees by achieving many rewards and taking the company to the success of highest level. Mr. Terry Leahy joined the company way back in 1979 and implemented many strategic moves in the company such as introducing and devising the club card (loyalty card) scheme. He was a figure who captured every employee’s imagination as he originated from the humble beginnings within the Tesco. He started working with Tesco as marketing executives and rose to high ranks. He earned a great respect in the Britain Business industry. He was selected as ‘Business Leader of the Year’ in 2003 (Manchester, 2009).   In the famous newspaper guardian he was declared the most influential non-elected person in Britai n in 2007.he is considered as a visionary leader among his fellow colleagues which could be evident by the performance management methodologies implemented by him in the company (Tesco, 2009b). One of the most significant decisions ever made by Terry has been the introduction of  loyalty card and loyalty schemes. Before this, Tesco used to trail behind Sainsbury and Marks and Spencer (Tesco, 2009).However since 1997, under the leadership of Mr. Leahy Tesco has expanded into non food, telecoms, and financials and remains the leading supermarket in UK. These efforts were duly recognized by CMI (Chartered Management Institute), which awarded gold medal for the futurist and pragmatic leadership of Sir Terry Leahy. Jo Causon, director, marketing and corporate affair sat the Chartered Management Institute says: â€Å"The pace of change and the drive to build global brands has had a major impact on the nature of management and leadership.   Sir Terry Leahy’s vision and determin ation to maintain high service levels for customers the world over is indicative of his energy for business and a real commitment to deliver effective results.† (CIM, 2009) 5. Conclusion: From the above it could be concluded that team performance plays a major role in attaining the strategic objectives of the company and in order to enhance the performance of the employees the company should motivate the employees by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards moreover their should be a proper system of check and balance o monitoring of the staff whether the staff is performing according to the objectives of the company. Apart from this a motivational pragmatic and enthusiastic leader or mentor is required who takes the team along with it to meet the strategic objectives of the company. References Dess, Gregory, G., G.T. Lumpkin and Marilyn L. Taylor. Strategic Management. 2 ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005. Deming, W.E. (1986), Out of the Crisis: Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Lebas, M.J. (1995), Performance measurement and performance management, HEC School of  Management, F-78351 Jouy en Josas Cedex, France. Published by Elsevier B.V. Mabey, C. (2002). Mapping management development practice, Journal of Management Studies, 39(8): 1139 1160. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. 1996. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA. Teece D.C., Pisano G. and Shuen A. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal 18: 509–533. Tesco, (2009), Tesco: Annual Report and Summary Financial Statement 2007. Tesco plc, Hertfordshire. Available at: Talking Tesco, (2009), Talking Tesco, A Report. Available at:, Accessed on 13/05/2011. Witcher., B.J and Chau, V.S. (2008), Contrasting uses of balanced scorecards: case studies at two UK companies. Strat. Change 17: 101–114 available at CMI (Chartered Management Institute), 2009. Sir Terry Leahy Honored for Leadership Excellence. Available, Accessed on 13/05/2011.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Commonly Used Heuristics in Resources Allocation Essay

Commonly Used Heuristics in Resources Allocation - Essay Example Most commonly used models for program scheduling and planning do take into consideration the problem of availability of resources, even though many essential resources are limited and restrain the activities of scheduling that need them. The SPARTAN, which is a computer model that is programmed in the FORTRAN IV, is specifically designed for addressing the problem of the evaluation of alternative weapon systems of proposal with limited resources. RTRAN IV, is specially designed to address the problem of evaluating alternative weapon system proposals given limited resources (Pearl 36). Scheduling or heuristics principles adjust the basic computer program to enhance the utilization of the resources that are available or even reduce the length of the schedule. A model that is resource-restrained can produce more realistic completion dates and costs, together with different choices among the strategies of development, than one that assumes the unlimited resources. A hybrid heuristic rule for the constrained resource allocation A project usually consists of some activities that are to be processed. These activities have interrelationships by two types of restraints. The precedence restraints force every activity to be commenced before even its entire immediate antecedent activities that are contained in the set are over. The second one which is the performance of the activities needs resources which are renewable with deterministic capacities that are limited at any point of decision (Pearl 36). Where there are renewable resources, the duration of activities is resource driven; that is the duration of activities are random variables that are independent continuous; and preemption is not permitted (Russell 57). However, the problem’s objective is the practicable sequence for the activities of the project such that the make-span of the project is minimized. This matter is a classical job shop scheduling issue’s generalizations and falls in the category o f NP-hard optimization matters. Therefore, the procedures of heuristic solution are requisite in the solving of cases of large problems as they normally appear in the practical cases. Nonetheless, since the year 1963 when a schedule generation scheme was introduced by Kelley, there have been suggestions of several heuristic algorithms in the literature review (Russell 93). Despite this shortcoming, the procedures of heuristic are used very extensively in practice. Period Minimization Routine The Period Minimization Routine (PMR) is a procedure of resource allocation that determines the minimum possible value of ? for a particular resource allocation and a particular level of stochastic robustness (Pearl 39). The stochastic robustness metric For any given allocation of resources, the stochastic robustness metric quantitatively determines the possibility that the total time that is required for the processing of a data will not be more than the period between the arriving